Extending rights and protection via agreement and representation

Union of journalists and Akava special branches strike collective agreement in the AV sector

In a historic move, a collective agreement for audiovisual translation agencies has been approved in Finland. Negotiated by the Finnish Association of Translators and Interpreters (SKTL) and the Union of Journalists in Finland on the unions side, and Saga Vera Oy, Pre-Text Oy, Movision Ky and the Rosmer International cooperative on the employers side, the […]

Collective agreement Just Eat

In late 2021, the Spanish trade union confederations CCOO and UGT and the digital labour platform Just Eat signed the first collective agreement for such companies in Spain.The agreement has been assessed very positively by the Spanish trade union confederations and it provides for many advancements in rights, with basic monthly salary of 1.269,33 €, […]

HK – Voocali Agreement

On 30 September 2018, the Danish Union HK Privat, representing clerical workers and workers in retail and in related industries, signed a collective agreement with Voocali, a platform providing translation services. The agreement, aimed at ensuring fair wages and good working conditions, was achieved after a five-month negotiation. The main difficulties met in the process […]

Trade Unions - Just Eat Agreement

On 29 March 2021, the Italian trade union confederations CGIL, CISL and UIL signed an important agreement with Just Eat. Thanks to this, the Logistics National Collective Bargaining Agreement will apply to Just Eat’s workers. This company’s riders will thus have access to a fair wage, labour rights, as well as social protection, and health […]

The Workers’ Observatory

The Workers’ Observatory is a worker-led collaboration based in Edinburgh, supporting platform and gig workers to develop tools and tactics to build the information and influence they need to become collectively empowered. It is founded by platform workers to ‘monitor new forms of work in the city and develop tools and tactics to take advantage […]

UGT - Manifesto of intentions - car rental companies

In September 2018, UGT signed a manifesto of intentions with the employers’ organisation of car rental companies with drivers, including Cabify, a platform operating in Spain and in 10 other countries. Negotiations on the agreement were launched after drivers got in touch with UGT and informed it of their working situation. The agreement aims at […]

YouTubers Union and IG Metall "FairTube" Campaign

YouTubers Union led by a Berlin-based YouTuber   has joined forces with IG Metall to ask YouTube to improve transparency and communication around monetization and views of videos. YouTubers Union and IG Metall launched the formal campaign  FairTube. They are collectively protesting YouTube’s 2017 changes in its advertising rules, elaborating proposals for improved communication, fairness, […]

Advice for Self-Employed

Ver.di offers self-employed individuals special information, support and an opportunity to become actively involved. Concerning platform workers, the measure develops on the idea to elaborate some recommendations for action for unionists about what to do for crowd work.On the basis of a survey with unions’ officials and works councils in 2016, it came out IT […]

Agreement between Bzzt and the Swedish Transport Workers’ Union

The agreement between the transportation (by small, electric, three-wheeled moped) start-up  Bzzt and the Swedish Transport Workers’ Union allows Bzzt drivers to be covered by the Taxi Agreement, which gives the workers access to the same standards as traditional taxi drivers. Unlike many platform companies, the drivers in Bzzt are offered  marginal part-time contracts.  The […]

Deliveroo Works Council in Cologne and other German cities

In January 2018, Deliveroo riders in Cologne announced that they would hold works council elections in February. Despite Deliveroo’s resistance to this initiative, including the dismissal of permanent staff and erasing the internal chat allowing workers to organise shifts, elections led to the setting up of the first Deliveroo works council in Germany. Riders had […]
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Digital Platform Observatory

The digital platform observatory is a joint initiative of ETUC, IRES and ASTREES, funded by the European Commission. It brings together trade unionists, experts, activists, specialists of workers representation and collective action in the  platform economy.