

Smart  ("Société Mutuelle pour Artistes") is a social enterprise created in 1998. Since January 2017, it is a cooperative. Smart offers its members a  solution to create their salaried employment as well as a range of shared services in various fields. Smart offers advice, training and tools  to accompany the development of the professional activity […]

Code of Conduct

The code of conduct at hand is a self-imposed guideline for prominent crowdsourcing companies that has been initiated by the crowdtesting provider Testbirds and will be continuously developed and improved. Its aim is to create general guidelines about how to act in regards to crowdwork and thereby create a basis for a trusting and fair […]

YouTubers Union and IG Metall "FairTube" Campaign

YouTubers Union led by a Berlin-based YouTuber   has joined forces with IG Metall to ask YouTube to improve transparency and communication around monetization and views of videos. YouTubers Union and IG Metall launched the formal campaign  FairTube. They are collectively protesting YouTube’s 2017 changes in its advertising rules, elaborating proposals for improved communication, fairness, […]

Advice for Self-Employed

Ver.di offers self-employed individuals special information, support and an opportunity to become actively involved. Concerning platform workers, the measure develops on the idea to elaborate some recommendations for action for unionists about what to do for crowd work.On the basis of a survey with unions’ officials and works councils in 2016, it came out IT […]

Deliveroo Works Council in Cologne and other German cities

In January 2018, Deliveroo riders in Cologne announced that they would hold works council elections in February. Despite Deliveroo’s resistance to this initiative, including the dismissal of permanent staff and erasing the internal chat allowing workers to organise shifts, elections led to the setting up of the first Deliveroo works council in Germany. Riders had […]

Foodora works council in Cologne and other German cities

Foodora riders in Cologne elected their first works council in Summer 2017. This was also the first works council to be elected by riders of the platform economy in Germany. Foodora’s riders in Cologne started organising through a Whatsapp group chat, but soon went to NGG, a German trade union active in the food, beverages […]

Fairwork Foundation

The Fairwork foundation was launched in the Autumn of 2017. It gathers the expertise of several European and international universities in the fields of work practices and working conditions on digital labour platforms. Fairwork’s objectives are to imagine and help achieve a fairer platform economy with better conditions for its workers. For this, Fairwork highlights […]


Deliverunion is a campaign launched by the anarchic grassroot union FAU (Freie Arbeiterinnen- und Arbeiter-Union). The campaign is aimed at Berlin riders working for Foodora and Deliveroo. Deliverunion fights for 5 key demands: the covering by the company of equipment repair costs that are currently borne by riders; an increase in wages of 1 euro […]

FairCrowdWork is a joint project of IG Metall, the Austrian Chamber of Labor, the Austrian Trade Union Confederation, and the Swedish white collar union Unionen in association with research and development partners Encountering Tech and M&L Communication Marketing. FairCrowdWork collects information about crowd work, app-based work, and other "platform-based work" from the perspective of workers […]

Digital Platform Observatory

The digital platform observatory is a joint initiative of ETUC, IRES and ASTREES, funded by the European Commission. It brings together trade unionists, experts, activists, specialists of workers representation and collective action in the  platform economy.