Code of Conduct

The code of conduct at hand is a self-imposed guideline for prominent crowdsourcing companies that has been initiated by the crowdtesting provider Testbirds and will be continuously developed and improved.
Its aim is to create general guidelines about how to act in regards to crowdwork and thereby create a basis for a trusting and fair cooperation between service providers, clients and crowdworkers, supplementary to current legislation. There are still uncertainties concerning the concrete form of cooperation – especially regarding legal aspects as well as the platforms‘ corporate responsibility towards crowdworkers. This code of conduct serves as an orientation to crowdsourcing in its role as a modern method of working. It also aspires to contribute towards a win-win-situation for all persons involved to better fulfill the full potential of this new form of work.

The Code of conduct has been agreed upon in Germany in 2015 by eight platforms (e.g. Testbirds, Clickworker,, Crow Guru, Streetspotr, appJobber, ShopScout, and BugFinders) with a view to improving their poor public reputation). The ten principles have been elaborated in cooperation with IG Metall.

Digital Platform Observatory

The digital platform observatory is a joint initiative of ETUC, IRES and ASTREES, funded by the European Commission. It brings together trade unionists, experts, activists, specialists of workers representation and collective action in the  platform economy.