You Tube

Red Creadores de Contenido de UGT

The Red de creadores de contenido (network of content creators) was officially launched in December 2021, after a phase of shared reflections between UGT and Spanish content creators. The network works as a space where content creators can share their experience and to which the union can contribute with its expertise on social dialogue and […]

YouTubers Union and IG Metall "FairTube" Campaign

YouTubers Union led by a Berlin-based YouTuber   has joined forces with IG Metall to ask YouTube to improve transparency and communication around monetization and views of videos. YouTubers Union and IG Metall launched the formal campaign  FairTube. They are collectively protesting YouTube’s 2017 changes in its advertising rules, elaborating proposals for improved communication, fairness, […]

Digital Platform Observatory

The digital platform observatory is a joint initiative of ETUC, IRES and ASTREES, funded by the European Commission. It brings together trade unionists, experts, activists, specialists of workers representation and collective action in the  platform economy.