All types of platforms

Fairwork Foundation

The Fairwork foundation was launched in the Autumn of 2017. It gathers the expertise of several European and international universities in the fields of work practices and working conditions on digital labour platforms. Fairwork’s objectives are to imagine and help achieve a fairer platform economy with better conditions for its workers. For this, Fairwork highlights […]

Mladi Plus

Mladi Plus was founded in Slovenia in 2011 and it represents students, pupils, unemployed youth and young precarious workers (under 35 years of age). It also deals with issues related to short-term contracts and student work. Slovenia has a strong legislation defending workers’ rights, safeguarding the status of employed workers and preventing employers from abusing […]

Riders Union Bologna

Riders Union Bologna is a group of riders and social activists working in Bologna to tackle precariousness and the lack of protections in the gig economy. Riders Union Bologna organises meetings and strikes. Some of the most successful actions, both in terms of participation and press coverage, took place on days with extreme weather conditions, […]

Austrian collective agreement for couriers

The collective agreement for bicycle couriers and food delivery operators was negotiated between the Austrian Transport and Services Union Vida and the Association for freight transport with the Austrian Chamber of Commerce. The agreement, finalised in September 2019 and entered into force on 1st January 2020, was the first collective agreement for bicycle couriers in […]

Tu respuesta syndical YA

Tu respuesta sindical YA was created in September 2017 by affiliates of the Spanish Trade Union UGT to allow platform workers find answers to their questions. The initiative was launched in reaction to the deregulation of working conditions by platforms, that exploit workers and only offer precarious working conditions. The initiative consists in a website, […]

UNION association

UNION is the 1st social demand platform for the self-employed workers which is born in France, after 3 years of experimentation and listening to this community. UNION is indeed the 1st platform which is not built as a commercial network but whose primary vocation is the fight against social dumping, the construction of new rights, […]
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Digital Platform Observatory

The digital platform observatory is a joint initiative of ETUC, IRES and ASTREES, funded by the European Commission. It brings together trade unionists, experts, activists, specialists of workers representation and collective action in the  platform economy.