
The rider is a subordinate worker: Milan’s Labour Court orders Glovo to reintegrate him

On 29 November 2022, with a first instance decision, Milan’s Labour Court ordered Glovo to reintegrate a rider that had been disconnected and to give him an employment contract. The decision of the Court was based on the Italian Jobs Act (art. 2 of the legislative decree 81/2015). The Jobs Act states that collaborators who […]

Court of Bologna reclassifies Deliveroo rider as employee

On 25 February, the Labour Court of Bologna ruled that Stefano Mancuso (rider for Deliveroo and, later, Just Eat) is an employee of Deliveroo. The rider decided to go to Court when his account was deactivated after he refused to sign the Assodelivery-UGL agreement (that was later declared illegal by the Court of Bologna). The […]

Italy : The Court of Parlemo classifies a Glovo rider as employee

The Court of Palermo has ruled that the Spanish delivery platform Glovo has to reclassify a courier as a full-time employee. As the relationship between the courier and Glovo was an employee-employer relationship, the Court had Glovo pay the courier an hourly wage instead of remunerating him per delivery. The rider had initially gone to […]

Italy : Reclassification of Uber Eats, Deliveroo and Just Eat riders

Following a secret inquiry, the Milan Public Prosecutor's Office has established that the employment relationship of riders working for different digital platforms (Foodinho, Glovo, UberEats, JustEat and Deliveroo) cannot be considered as occasional independent work, but must be reclassified as hetero-organized collaboration. The Court gave the companies 90 days to hire 60,000 workers. In case […]

Italy : The Court of Bologna condemns Deliveroo’s algorithm for discrimination

On 31 December 2020, the Court of Bologna ruled in favour of the complaint brought by CGIL’s Bologna sections of FILCAMS, NIDIL and FILT. According to the complaint, Deliveroo’s algorithm, called Frank, discriminated workers and restricted their access to working slots following absences for strike, or for health or care reasons. The judge ruled completely […]

Trade Unions - Just Eat Agreement

On 29 March 2021, the Italian trade union confederations CGIL, CISL and UIL signed an important agreement with Just Eat. Thanks to this, the Logistics National Collective Bargaining Agreement will apply to Just Eat’s workers. This company’s riders will thus have access to a fair wage, labour rights, as well as social protection, and health […]

Idea Diffusa

Idea Diffusa is an online collaborative platform developed by CGIL and involving CGIL representatives, as well as representatives from the academia and managers who cooperate with CGIL and deal with the topic of the digitalisation of work. Idea Diffusa supports the sharing of knowledge and best practices among its members and is a tool in […]

Sindacato Networkers

Sindacato-Networkers is one of the first trade union platforms to be addressed to ICT professionals and employees in the services sector, and to gig-economy and platform workers. To these workers, Sindacato-Networkers offers a series of services including individual online advice on work-related problems, such as advice and help with fiscal matters. Within the website, a […]


Smart  ("Société Mutuelle pour Artistes") is a social enterprise created in 1998. Since January 2017, it is a cooperative. Smart offers its members a  solution to create their salaried employment as well as a range of shared services in various fields. Smart offers advice, training and tools  to accompany the development of the professional activity […]


CGIL launched its NIdiL (Nuove Identità di Lavoro – New work identities) section in 1998 to ensure representation and protection for atypical workers. It now represents several categories of atypical workers, such as temporary workers, collaborators, the self-employed and the unemployed. NIdiL is engaged to prevent the abuse of self-employed work relations. When the classification […]
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Digital Platform Observatory

The digital platform observatory is a joint initiative of ETUC, IRES and ASTREES, funded by the European Commission. It brings together trade unionists, experts, activists, specialists of workers representation and collective action in the  platform economy.