New forms of cooperation


DidaNet is a project led by the Austrian trade union confederation ÖGB and bringing together partners from along the Danube region. Its aim is to contribute to fair working conditions in the countries in the Danube region through the cooperation of the social partners. This should allow, on the one hand, to counteract precarious working […]

Plateformes en Communs

« Plateformes en Communs » is a learning community of platforms coops, who share the following principles in their models : Inclusive governance of their stakeholders Fair sharing of the value generated by the interactions Data ethics Fair working conditions for the involved workers Inter-cooperation among platform coops These principles are shared in the charter of the […]


Smart  ("Société Mutuelle pour Artistes") is a social enterprise created in 1998. Since January 2017, it is a cooperative. Smart offers its members a  solution to create their salaried employment as well as a range of shared services in various fields. Smart offers advice, training and tools  to accompany the development of the professional activity […]


Created in 2010, ReAct is an international network of organisers aiming to faciliate the collective organisation of workers and communities in their dealings with multinational companies. ReAct supports people and communities organising on a local basis and these organisations collaborating in a global alliance. ReAct runs the Global Labour Institute (GLI) Paris, the French-speaking branch […]

Les Coursiers Bordelais

Les Coursiers Bordelais is a bike delivery cooperative. It was created in November 2017 by three couriers who wanted to create an ethical alternative to the delivery platforms they worked for. The couriers were able to be employees of the cooperative after one year. Five couriers work for the cooperative. Coursiers Bordelais is part of […]

La Pajara

La Pajara is part of the Coopcycle federation. It was initiated at the beginning of 2018, after the movement and protests against Deliveroo. The project was planned with Coopcycle. Finally, in October 2018 La Pajara started working with its first collaboration projects and customers. Now, two people are working full time and two other people […]

La Poit'à vélo

La Poit’ à vélo fait partie de la fédération Coopcycle. Elle doit rejoindre la Coopérative d’Activité et d’Emploi Aceascop. C’est la solution trouvée par deux réparateurs de vélos issus des ateliers associatifs et participatifs d’auto-réparation de vélo pour combler le manque de mobilité de leurs travails. Il s’agit aussi de prouver que des alternatives douces […]

Les Coursiers Nantais

La coopérative Les Coursiers Nantais fait partie de la fédération CoopCycle. Elle propose une alternative crédible d’une part aux services de livraison polluants et encombrants qui doivent être autant que possibles bannis des centres villes et d’autre part aux modèles de livraison via plates-formes numériques et autoentrepreneurs « uberisés » qui précarisent le métier de […]

Feel à Vélo

Feel à Vélo fait partie de la fédération coopérative Coopcycle. C’est une entreprise solidaire du Pays de Lorient qui emploie des coursiers à vélo, une branche de l’entreprise solidaire Optim-ism, les paniers de légumes bio. Elle souhaite participer à la transition écologique en utilisant un moyen de transport pratique et non-polluant pour vos livraisons en […]

Neighborhood development committee Stains

The Stains neighbourhood commitee is part of the Coopcycle cooperative federation. It is an integration structure in the north of Seine-Saint-Denis, near to Paris, intervening in several areas (cleaning, roads-green spaces, buildings, cycling). In parallel with these commercial activities, the neighbourhood authority strengthens social link, the participation of residents and the associative dynamic via social […]
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Digital Platform Observatory

The digital platform observatory is a joint initiative of ETUC, IRES and ASTREES, funded by the European Commission. It brings together trade unionists, experts, activists, specialists of workers representation and collective action in the  platform economy.