Konfederacja Pracy organises platform workers in Poland

In October 2022, a trade union of digital labour platform workers has been established in Poland for the first time.

Thanks to the commitment of Konfederacja Pracy (Confederation of Labour), a member organisation of OPZZ, workers in pyszne.pl (a food delivery platform similar to Uber eats) established the first trade union organisation in this sector in Poland.

Their main objectives include dealing with algorithms, that set the framework for work and pay while operating outside the control of labour law. More in general, for OPZZ, the regulation of the digital platform sector is currently one of the most important challenges for trade unions.

The young trade unionists of Konfederacja Pracy have also launched other actions in the context of digital labour platforms, such as blocking events at the IGF Digital Summit and, more recently, leading a successful effort to reach out to the largest possible group of platform workers. The next steps for Konfederacja Pracy and OPZZ are to intensify unionisation and to build a constructive dialogue with the employers.

Digital Platform Observatory

The digital platform observatory is a joint initiative of ETUC, IRES and ASTREES, funded by the European Commission. It brings together trade unionists, experts, activists, specialists of workers representation and collective action in the  platform economy.